Friday, January 15, 2010

The Hipster Youth

Food for thought…

What are all these disenfranchised hipster youth going to do at the age of 35? I mean even though they have college degrees from small liberal art schools in the Pacific Northwest I don’t think if the only job experience they can put on a resume is "coffee barista" it makes them a strong candidate for a corporate position. Eventually I am guessing they want to retire or have a family or something, and being a clothes folder at American Apparel just doesn’t cut it.

I know the “hipster” response to this question is… “We don’t want your American dream, that is bulls$#t fed to you by corporations so that you consume their goods and services. I am an artist and my life is about self expression”. Don’t get me wrong I can see the validity of their argument, and sometimes even question my own standing within the rat race of life. However that argument doesn’t pay off student loans, credit car bills or car payments. The necessary evil of life is that you have to make money. Plus what happens if in five or ten years people finally wizen up and realize that you can get the same cup of coffee that you pay $5 or $6 at Intelligentsia or LA Mill for $0.75 at 7-11 or that hoody you paid $50 for at Urban Outfitters you can get at Target for $15. That would be a Hipster Financial Crisis, and frankly I don’t know if there is enough bail-out money post Financial Institutions and American Automakers to prop up all these local coffee shops.

Hipsters really need to start thinking about their futures.

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